Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Foster's first days

We brought Foster home from the hospital on Monday, February 20th.

Like any newborn, most of his first week was spent sleeping and eating.

big sister, Stella, was very attentive. When we first arrived home, she gave Foster one of her new heart bracelets.

She is very gentle with him and reminds everyone to not touch the top of his head. She likes to make "pillows" for him with washcloths and she has been good about sharing her favorite blankies.

Stella got several gifts from Baby Brother and Grandma including paints which, as you can tell, she's been enjoying quite a bit.

Foster had his first check with Dr Hagan and he looked good. He had only lost about 8oz from his birthweight.

when we went back on Friday he had gained back 1 oz.

On Friday evening, dad, Stella, Foster, and grandma put together a nice birthday surprise for mom including a delicious chocolate cake and handprint card.