Wednesday, April 12, 2017

More conversations with Stella

Stella enjoys the newly placed door to the half-bath which opens into the living room.
Stella: I need to go potty. I can watch [the news] right from here!

At bedtime
We used to sit in the chair in her room until she fell asleep and are not doing that now. Still, she asks us to "sit in the chair" each night after her story.

stella: you sit in chair?
mom/dad: no boogie. I need to feed baby brother/clean the kitchen/do laundry/get ready for bed. I'll come check on you in a few minutes though.
stella: how 'bout this. Here's the go feed baby brother, then clean the kitchen and get ready for bed.
mom/dad: ok, that sounds good
stella: here's the rest of the deal
mom/dad: oh, ok
stella: you go feed baby brother, then clean the kitchen and get ready for bed, then you come sit in chair.
mom/dad: ok, that's a good deal. I'll be back after I feed baby brother and clean the kitchen. Good night Stella. I love you.
stella: good night. I love you
...5 minutes later she's fast asleep

Having dinner...her favorite, spaghetti
Stella: I'm having peanut butter spaghetti
mom/dad: oh you are?
Stella: its chocolate spaghetti
mom/dad: that sounds good!
Stella: you like chocolate spaghetti?
mom/dad: i would like that
Stella: or pineapple spaghetti with juice?

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Butterflies at Echo

Echo has a special Butterfly pavilion and exhibit for the next few weeks.

The four of us went over to check it out.

At first, Stella was afraid of the butterflies. She didn't want them to land on her and seemed to think they might bite her.

Within a few minutes, she was more comfortable but still didn't want them to land on her.

It helped that dad was brave enough to let one land on his hand and Stella could see it up close.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Foster's weight checks

At Foster's 1 month, the doctor said he'd like Foster to gain weight a little faster than he has been gaining. The goal is to gain 1 oz per day.

On 3/21, he weighed 8lb 4oz so by his next check in 2 weeks, they would like to see him at 9lb 2oz.

The Lactation Consultant, Alice, helped us come up with a plan to supplement pumped breastmilk.

When we did a follow up weigh with Alice 5 days later, Foster weighed 8lb 9oz. He gained exactly what he needed to in that time!

A week after that, he weighed 9lb 5oz - a 12oz gain in only 7 days!

At his official weight check at th doctor's office, he weighed 9lb 4oz which is a whole pound more than he weighed at his 1 month check.